svcadm(8)을 검색하려면 섹션에서 8 을 선택하고, 맨 페이지 이름에 svcadm을 입력하고 검색을 누른다.
System Administration Commands pooladm(8)
pooladm - apply and un-apply a pool configuration
/usr/sbin/pooladm [-n] [-s] [-c] [filename]
/usr/sbin/pooladm [-x | -d | -e]
The pooladm command reads the specified filename and attempts to create
the pools and psets specified within it. It also updates the properties
of all pools objects (system, pools, psets, and CPUs) to match those
specified in the file.
The default pool configuration file is /etc/pooladm.conf. It is used if
no filename is specified.
Any pools, psets, or properties on the running system which do not
exist in the specified file will be removed when the file is applied.
The live state of the system is referred to as the "running" configura‐
tion. Without options, pooladm prints out the running configuration.
Before updating the running configuration, pooladm validates the con‐
figuration file for correctness.
pooladm does not manipulate pools or psets created by the psrset(8)
utility, nor does it destroy psets created through the Oracle Solaris
Zones dedicated-cpu resource. It also does not save such pools or psets
to the configuration file when using the -s option.
The following options are supported:
-c Apply the configuration at the given location. If a filename is
not specified, it defaults to /etc/pooladm.conf.
Applying a configuration removes any pools and psets that exist
on the running system that are not part of the configuration. It
also removes and system, pool, pset, or cpu properties which are
set on the running system, but are not defined in the new config‐
uration being applied. These pools, psets, or properties could
have been created through prior invocations of pooladm -c or
poolcfg -dc.
Pools and psets created by psrset(8) and the Oracle Solaris Zones
dedicated-cpu resource are not removed, as they are not part of
pool configuration files. The -c option may add or take away
CPUs, cores, or sockets from Oracle Solaris Zones dedicated-cpu
related psets if they are configured with a variable range of
-d Disable the resource pools service. This option will disable the
svc:/system/pools:default, which will perform the same action as
the -x option, and prevent the default pool configuration file
from being applied at next system boot.
-e Enable the resource pools service. This will enable the svc:/sys‐
tem/pools:default service, which will apply the default pool con‐
figuration, and continue to do so on each system boot.
-n Validate the configuration file without applying it to the run‐
ning configuration. Checks that there are no syntactic errors and
that the configuration can be applied on the running system. No
validation of application specific properties is performed.
-s Save the configuration of the running system to the specified
file. If no file is specified, the default pool configuration
file /etc/pooladm.conf is used.
This option requires write permission for the specified file.
If this option is used with the -c option, the -c operation is
performed first, then the -s operation. The -s operation will
capture aspects of the running configuration to the static con‐
figuration, such as any new CPUs on the system, or read-only
properties related to the runtime state.
-x Remove the running pool configuration. Destroys all pools and
psets, returns all properties to their default values, and
returns all CPUs to the default pset. This does not manipulate or
destroy pools or psets created by the psrset(8) utility or the
Oracle Solaris Zones dedicated-cpu resource, or manipulate the
CPUs allocated or assigned to such psets.
The following operands are supported:
filename Use the configuration contained within this file.
Example 1 Creating a New Pools Configuration File
The following commands clears the currently running pools configura‐
tion, and creates a new default pool configuration file with only the
default pool, pset, and properties.
example# /usr/sbin/pooladm -x
example# /usr/sbin/pooladm -s
Example 2 Applying a Configuration
The following command applies the configuration contained at
example# /usr/sbin/pooladm -c /home/admin/newconfig
Example 3 Validating a Configuration Without Applying It
The following command attempts to apply the configuration contained at
/home/admin/newconfig. It displays any error conditions that it encoun‐
ters, but does not modify the running configuration.
example# /usr/sbin/pooladm -n -c /home/admin/newconfig
Example 4 Removing the Current Configuration
The following command removes the current pool configuration:
example# /usr/sbin/pooladm-x
Example 5 Enabling the Resource Pools Service
The following command enables the resource pools service, causing the
default pool configuration to be applied on each system boot.
example# /usr/sbin/pooladm -e
Example 6 Enabling the Resource Pools Service Using SMF
The following command enables the resource pools service through use of
the Service Management Facility. See smf(7).
example# /usr/sbin/svcadm enable svc:/system/pools:default
Example 7 Saving the Running Configuration to a Specified Location
The following command saves the running configuration to
example# /usr/sbin/pooladm -s /tmp/state.backup
/etc/pooladm.conf Default configuration file for pooladm.
See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:
tab() box; cw(2.75i) |cw(2.75i) lw(2.75i) |lw(2.75i) ATTRIBUTE TYPEAT‐
TRIBUTE VALUE _ Availabilitysystem/resource-mgmt/resource-pools _
Interface StabilitySee below.
The invocation is Committed. The output is Uncommitted.
pset_destroy(2), libpool(3LIB), attributes(7), resource-management(7),
smf(7), poolbind(8), poolcfg(8), psrset(8), , svcadm(8)
A process or zone assigned a specific scheduler by the pool.scheduler
property will retain that scheduler when bound to another pool without
the pool.scheduler property, including when the original pool is
destroyed and the process or zone is bound automatically to the default
pset. If this behavior is not desired, set the pool.scheduler property
on all pools, including pool_default.
Psets managed by pools are independently managed from psets managed by
psrset(8). CPUs cannot be transferred between the psets of differing
subsystems. CPUs must be removed from psrset(8) psets before they are
available for use by the pools framework. CPUs must be in the default
pset or another psrset(8) pset before they can be assigned to a
psrset(8) pset.
Because the resource pools service is a standard smf(7) service, it can
also be enabled and disabled using the standard SMF interfaces.
Oracle Solaris 11.4 11 May 2021 pooladm(8)