svcadm(8)을 검색하려면 섹션에서 8 을 선택하고, 맨 페이지 이름에 svcadm을 입력하고 검색을 누른다.
libadimalloc(3LIB) Interface Libraries libadimalloc(3LIB)
libadimalloc - Application Data Integrity aware memory allocation
cc [ flag... ] file... -ladimalloc [ library... ]
Functions in this library provide scalable object-caching memory allo‐
cation with multithreaded application support.
The libadimalloc library provides detection of buffer overruns, out of
bounds pointers, stale pointers, and use after free errors using the
SPARC Application Data Integrity (ADI) APIS. For more information, see
the adi(7) man page.
The libadimalloc library also provides extensive debugging support,
including detection of memory leaks, multiple frees, use of uninitial‐
ized data, use of freed data, and many other common programming errors.
For more information, see the mdb(1) man page.
For legacy reasons ADIHEAP is not supported by libadimalloc. A dedi‐
cated mode, adiheap_compat is provided to support it. For more informa‐
tion, see the adimalloc_debug(3MALLOC) man page.
The shared object provides the public interfaces
defined below. For more information on shared object interfaces, see
the intro(3) man page.
See malloc(3C) for information on these interfaces:
tab(); lw(2.75i) lw(2.75i) lw(2.75i) lw(2.75i) lw(2.75i) lw(2.75i)
lw(2.75i) lw(2.75i) lw(i) callocfree freezeromalloc malloc_usable_size‐
memalign reallocvalloc
The shared object also provides the following debugging interfaces. For
more information, see the adimalloc_debug(3MALLOC) man page.
tab(); lw(2.75i) lw(2.75i) adimalloc_debug_initadimalloc_logging_init
64-bit shared object
See malloc(3C) for an overview and comparison of all the allocation
libraries provided by Oracle Solaris.
See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:
The attribute type and attribute values for the functions calloc(),
free(), freezero(), malloc(), malloc_usable_size(), memalign(), real‐
loc(), and valloc() are as follows:
tab() box; cw(2.75i) |cw(2.75i) lw(2.75i) |lw(2.75i) ATTRIBUTE TYPEAT‐
TRIBUTE VALUE _ ArchitectureSPARC _ Availabilitysystem/library _ Inter‐
face StabilityCommitted _ MT-LevelMT-Safe
The attribute type and attribute value for the functions, adimal‐
loc_debug_init() and adimalloc_logging_init() is as follows:
tab() box; cw(2.75i) |cw(2.75i) lw(2.75i) |lw(2.75i) ATTRIBUTE TYPEAT‐
TRIBUTE VALUE _ Interface StabilityVolatile
adi(2), adi(3C), malloc(3C), intro(3), adimalloc_debug(3MALLOC),
adi(7), attributes(7)
This API is Volatile and as such can change at any time and for any
reason. See the Volatile entry of the Classifications section of
Oracle Solaris 11.4 21 Oct 2021 libadimalloc(3LIB)